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Frequently Asked Questions

On this page we will try to answer all Questions that are being asked regularly. We always try to update this section so all information is optimized for that right moment. So come back any time to check out the answers!

Questions are divided in Sections so you can easily find them in the right category. Let us know if you can't find your answer!


From Where is my order shipped?

Depending on what products are ordered, we ship from either Singapore or India.

I have not received any emails after I ordered.

If or when you have not received an email then please check your spambox, in case you do not find them in there then we would suggest to contact us.

What are the average Shipping/Delivery times?

Shipping will take up to 7-12 business days, usually we deliver in 9/10 days.

How do I track my order?

Check your confirmation mail, it will show the tracking methodes to use best.

How do I track my order?

Check your confirmation mail, it will show the tracking methodes to use best.

How do I track my order?

Check your confirmation mail, it will show the tracking methodes to use best.


From Where is my order shipped?

Depending on what products are ordered, we ship from either Singapore or India.

I have not received any emails after I ordered.

If or when you have not received an email then please check your spambox, in case you do not find them in there then we would suggest to contact us.

What are the average Shipping/Delivery times?

Shipping will take up to 7-12 business days, usually we deliver in 9/10 days.

How do I track my order?

Check your confirmation mail, it will show the tracking methodes to use best.
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